A geodome that goes beyond typical solutions.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
High-quality and more energy-saving design of the geodome.

The metal frame is covered with an architectural PVC coating, thermal insulation for all-season use, with an energy-efficient facade with double-glazed windows, additional sound insulation and interior finishing with soft panels.

Recommended capacity for 4-6 people.

Fields of use: glamping sites, retreat centers, additional room stock for existing hospitality facilities.

Ideal locations for the Vision ECOPOD: forests, coastlines, plains and areas adjacent to bodies of water.
7m in diameter, with an area of ​​34m2 and a height of 4.1m
8 m in diameter, with an area of ​​42 m2 and a height of 4 m

Basic package:
Geodome, facade system, insulation for year-round use, rubber noise insulation, soft panels.

Vision ECOPOD L - $ 13 500
Vision ECOPOD XL - $ 16 700
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