ECOPOD geo dome from the Event series
An ideal option for events, conferences, etc.
In this article, we will tell you about geodesic domes from the Event series - unusual event halls that impress with their appearance and size.

Attention! We have an option to rent this series of geo domes. More below.

Available sizes and purpose of Geo domes from the Event series

ECOPOD geo domes from the Event series are spherical structures, intended for the organization of various types of events. They will be an ideal space for large private, public or commercial events such as conferences, exhibitions, festivals, weddings, parties, concerts etc.

Depending on size, such geodesic domes can accommodate up to 900 people. Information about each of the available sizes below.
ECOPOD geo dome from the Event series in size M (diameter - 18 m).

The smallest version in this series. This creative space will be an ideal solution for organizing events for up to 500 people, and its unusual shape will surely delight the guests of the event. Perfect alternative to an outdoor wedding or retreat etc.

ECOPOD geo dome from the Event series in size L (diameter - 21 m).

This is an enlarged version of geo dome from the Event series. It allows you to qualitatively organize and arrange the interior. Perfect solution for modern exhibition, for example.

ECOPOD geo dome from the Event series in size XL (diameter - 27 m).

The largest option from the given series. Such a geo dome is designed for events of up to 900 people! Its space allows you to install a real stage inside, fully implementing your ideas about the perfect event.

Advantages of the Event series

The obvious advantage is its aesthetic appearance. Large, minimalist - creates an unforgettable impression, and white architectural membrane from the inside guarantees maximum lighting of the space.

Moreover, such geodetic structures are extremely quick to assemble. In 35-40 work days you will receive a ready location for your event.

More about the advantages of ECOPOD geodesic domes from the Event series here.

Despite their size, ECOPOD Event series are mobile and easy to transport. And if you need a space for a one - off event, we have a convenient option to rent a geo dome of your choice. This option is an ideal solution for those who want to get a creative space for a specific event (e.g. wedding or business forum).

The cost of ECOPOD geo dome from the Event series can be found HERE

If you need space for smaller events (up to 300 people), check out our Public series.

Please feel free to contact us to get an additional consultation +380673441458. We will help you choose a geodesic dome option for rent or purchase.
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